
Prescio Loan Quality Forecast System (PLQFS)

  • Applications
  • Software Development
  • Risk Management

The Prescio Loan Quality Forecast System (PLQFS) is a 3-tier application which is primarily used by the Credit Management and Portfolio Risk Management Groups. This WAN based system allows for multiple users and a flexible operating schedule. The application facilitates an organized and efficient credit review process.

The Prescio Loan Quality Forecast System (PLQFS) replaced a previously existing LAN based system which was used in tracking and forecasting the migration of commercial and real estate loans between grades/ratings, and which was used in forecasting the loan loss reserve allowance.

The PLQFS application calculates the expected changes in credit quality based upon:

  • Known or expected changes in credit risk grades/ratings;
  • Expected changes in loan volumes;
  • Expected loss factors.